April Newsletter of Eigen Network

Eigen Network
1 min readMay 2, 2023


This is our monthly progress report, please check out the updates on product, technology, and community building.

Development & Product Spotlight 🕵️‍♂️

  1. Eigen hybrid proof system optimization.
  • Analyse PlonkJS performance issues and have a survey for the possible optimization for Web PlonkJS;
  • Design the multi-threads Wasm Rayon for PlonkJS over eigen-zkvm/plonky.

2. Eigen Secret(zk-zkRollup) Testnet:

  • Fixed account logic, including migrate-account and update-account;
  • Developed API for secret account persistent;
  • Refactored Web SDK and Node SDK;
  • Released command developer interface, here we are https://github.com/0xEigenLabs/eigen-secret#more-tasks.
  • Testnet launching is postponed to May due to Web SDK refactoring.

Media Highlights 🚀

  1. Eigen Secret joins Gitcoin Builder and the project is linked here.
  2. Join Hackathon of Polygon [APAC] DevX Hackathon X DoraHacks;
  3. New post:


Contribute to Eigen 🤝

Privacy is essential to the security and adoption of Web3, from Defi to NFTs and beyond. Eigen Network brings cost-effectiveness and privacy to Ethereum and will be foundational to the next generation of successful Web3 applications.

About Eigen Network

Build a private transaction layer for EVM-compatible blockchain, using ZK-ZKRollup.

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Eigen Network
Eigen Network

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